Industrial Design

Notch Device

Notch Device
Notch Device

Notch devices have a shape of a truncated triangle also known as ditrigon. Notches are slightly bigger than a standard SD card, slightly thicker than four stacked US 25 cent coins and is about the same weight as a US dollar coin.

  Metric Imperial
Height 35.9mm 1.37795in
Width 31.2mm 1.29921in
Thickness 8.8mm 0.34251in
Weight 8.9g 0.0198lb

Charging Dock

Notch Dock with 6 notch devices
Notch Dock with 6 notch devices

Notch dock is used as a container for the notch devices, keeping them safe while traveling. Notch dock can hosts up to 6 Notch devices. The Dock is powered via standard mini-USB cable.

  Metric Imperial
Height 115mm 4.52755in
Width 100mm 3.937in
Thickness 16mm 0.62992in

Wearable Straps

Straps for the thighs
Straps for the thighs

Straps allow wearing notches on designated locations of the human body while maintaining comfort and low profile.

Our strap kits are designed so that each body part a

Strap Sizing:

Size Body Part
S (Small) Palm, Wrist
M (Medium) UpperArm, LowerLeg
L (Large) Thighs, Head
XXL (Extra Extra Large) Chest

Clip mount

Clip mount
Clip mount

The clip mount is a quick-release clipping mount for attaching notches to pants or bras etc..

Made For Notch

Notch modules need to be worn very tight on the human body to achieve accurate measurements. Therefore, garments, such as straps and vests need to be designed with special care and attention.

Good to know If you would like to design your custom strap or mounting system, our team is happy to support you. Contact us for 3D design files, design guidelines, and technical assistance.

Hardware Specification
Clothing API